Splash the Dolphin

The Origin of Splash the DolphinPalisades Rocks the Fourth

The Story of Splash

Splash recovered the “Strat” from a late night rock’n roll cruise ship that ran aground on a Pallisades beach long ago. When he befriended a surfer who helped him get it tuned and taught him a few chords, he fell in love with playing and practices all year to bring his best riffs to the Palisades Rocks the Fourth festivities.  Splash was created by Mike Werner, a commercial illustrator and brother-in-law of Concert Co-Producer Keith Turner. When not drawing cartoons, Mike turns ideas into user-friendly illustrations that make the mundane spectacular and complex simple for world-wide creators of consumer products and services. Find out more about his work at http://be.net/mikedraws

The Palisades community was asked to name the mascot.  There were over 70 entries but 18 year  Palisades resident  Connie Kail has won the with her entry “Splash.”  “My entry represents what Palisadians in all walks of life do in their particular area of interest,” Kail said. “They make a splash!”  Notable runners-up in the contest included “Johnny splash” (submitted by Sharon Hays), “Rocket” (from Kiley McKay and Malia Verge), “Sadie the Lady from the Palisady” (Sadie for short, by Patrice Karst), and “Duncan” (submitted by Anthony Spencer and Laurie Rosenthal).

Keith Turner
Vice President
Palisades Americanism Parade Association
P.O. Box 1776
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
concert website:  http://palisadesrocksthefourth.org
